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Our Hiring Process

Find out how our interviews work and what to prepare for.

Let’s get to know each other

Right from the start we want to promote our informal environment and open culture. We’re interested in who you are and what you enjoy doing, even outside of work. It’ll help us get to know how you’ll fit in. We’ll also be interested in what you’ve done and what you can be proud of.

Hiring Process Step by Step

Send your Resume to us

First, we will go over your resume. We recommend including a description of your latest projects. Do you have a GitHub page or other representation of your work? We are eager to see it. If we like your resume, the next step awaits you.

Meet the Manager or Scrum Master

The purpose of this interview is to present the company, team, and position. And also to learn about you. We want to know about your work experience, what is your motivation when choosing a job, how you like a scrum etc.

Meet the Technical Expert

The point of the technical round is to present you with our technical solution and look at your technical skills. We usually send candidates short exercises before the interview to have something concrete to talk about.

Don’t be shy to ask about our solution and used technologies. We will tell you about our success as well as about the problems we need to solve. Transparency is the key.

Meet the Team

We strongly believe in cooperation so meeting the team is a very important part of the process. Usually, we go for lunch or coffee together. We want also to show you our office to see where you would work.

The Offer

If the team suits you, the last step is to send an offer. If you accept the offer, we’ll start your onboarding.


Welcome aboard, you are part of the team now.

Current Job Openings

We are looking for people to join our team. Take a look and see if there is a position for you – we’re hiring!

What might interest you?

Yes, we use English on a daily basis. We have team members in America, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic. No one expects that you will speak English like a native speaker. A basic level is enough for general communication.
If you feel like you need a boost, sign up for English lessons at work.